joi, 15 decembrie 2011

Les financements «National Endowment for Democracy» (NED). Russie, Ukraine,Géorgie

Vă rog să citiți acest text selectat de mine, în speranța că vă poate interesa. Prejudecata privind Statele Unite ale Americii ca sursă și model al democrației, confruntată cu politica reală, imperialistă și egocentrică, are nevoie să fie mereu întreținută propagandistic. Cu bani. În perioada războiului rece, numele uneia din instituțiile prin care CIA finanța centre de propagandă anticomunistă era Congresul pentru libertatea culturii. Mulți intelectuali occidentali, unii foști comuniști, au fost recrutați de agenții CIA. Arthur Kostler, Ignazio Silone, Pierre Emanuel, au devenit la rîndul agenți de influență și au recrutat la rîndul lor pe alții, mai mult sau mai puțin conștienți de natura reală a instituțiilor pe care le serveau.

Nu e vorba de face o critică a acestei activități a serviciilor secrete americane, în numele superiorității democrației socialiste și a validității modelului sovietic, despre care cei din Estul Europei știu câte ceva pe propria lor piele.
E vorba doar de vedea cât mai clar, dincolo de perdeau de fum a discursurilor de propagandă vechi și noi.
O lucrarea de reconstituire istorică bine documentată pe această temă este cartea lui Frances Stonor SAUNDERS, în versiunea franceză intitulată Qui mene la danse? La CIA et la guerre froide culturelle, DENOEL, 2003. Această analiză dă seamă, prin analogie, dacî e citită fără prejudecăți, de ceea ce s-a întâmplat în Europa de Est după 1990, odată cu inflitrarea propagandei americane bine subvenționată vreme de cel puțin un deceniu, mai ale prin canalul fundațiilor pentru o Societate deschisă ale magnatului Soros. Grupul de dialog social a fost și mai este, într-o mai mică măsură acum, echivalentul în România a acestui tip de activitate de infiltrare. ONG-urile finanțate de Fundația Soros, ca și de alte fundații asemenea, au avut fără îndoială și un rol pozitiv. Dar au creat și susținut, promovat, o intelighenție total sau parțial îndoctrinată, controlată subordonată și dependentă de finanțarea străină și cu o gândire compusă din reziduurile unei ideologii de import. Ea reprezintă transferul mecanic a unor «valori» și nu derivă din analiza și gestiunea organică a tradițiilor locale, acestea pe cale de distrugere și pieire definitivă, tocmai datorită imixtiunii străine combinată cu inerția endemcă și cleptocrația locală. Implantul pare că a prins. Dar în adâncurile societăților despre care scriem se prepară demult reacția de respingere pe care orice organism sănătos o are față de invazia unor microbi. Cu prietenie, Dan Culcer

"Celui qui paie commande la musique".
Les financements «National Endowment for Democracy» (NED). Russie, Ukraine,Géorgie

Le seul fait d'avoir signalé, entre autres considérations, le financement de certaines ONG russes d'opposition par la fondation américaine très conservatrice "National Endowment for Democracy" (NED) m'a valu quelques critiques ("complotiste", "qui vous paie ?" etc...) sans la moindre objection quant aux faits. Et pour cause. Les fondations US étant transparentes, elles au moins, voici, en pièce jointe, l'état le plus récent des financements de NED en Russie, Ukraine, Géorgie. Chacun y reconnaîtra les siens... J'ai surligné en jaune les moments dignes du plus d'attention, à mes yeux.Cela dit, j'ai lu par ailleurs des propos qui, fondés sur les mêmes faits, présentent la contestation en Russie comme une fabrication américaine. C'est évidemment ridicule. On voit bien là comment une information peut être instrumentalisée par le conspirationnisme. Ce n'est pas parce qu'une ONG reçoit de l'argent de NED qu'elle en est "l'agent" ni que NED "tire les ficelles" de tout ce qui se passe en Russie. Simplement, cela indique les tentatives étatsuniennes d'exploiter la situation et de manipuler les gens. Ces fondations sont d'ailleurs très fières de ce qu'elles font "pour la Démocratie" dans le monde, à la différence de leurs bénéficiaires et sympathisants,  qui s'efforcent de dissimuler ce dont ils ne sont...pas fiers ?
Pour leur défense, ils peuvent assurer que le Kremlin ne risque pas de les subsidier. Mais on remarque que toute organisation soutenue par le Kremlin est tout aussi logiquement soupçonnée de "rouler pour le Kremlin".
Et comme on dit en Russie: "celui qui paie commande la musique". La plupart des protestataires en Russie ont leurs motivations propres et  ignorent tout de ces manoeuvres. Ils font entendre une musique que personne n'a commandé.
JM Chauvier



FINANCEMENTS americains, par NED des ONG russes, ukrainiennes et géorgiennes ( rapport de 2010 relevé en 2011 sur le site de NED)

Remarques : tous les domaines sont investis – Droits de l’Homme, syndicalisme, médias, formations de journalistes, monitoring électoral (Golos), études d’opinion publique (centre Levada), écologie, soutien aux mères de soldats, promotion de l’entreprise privée et de l’économie de marché,

Nous avons surligné en jaune ce qui nous semble particulièrement « stratégique » y compris en termes géopolitiques (Caucase, Crimée, OTAN).

NED soutient également d’autres fondations américaines implantées dans ces pays : Instituts des partis républicain et démocrate (des EU), « Open Society » (Soros), Carnegie etc…
Bien que d’origine et de direction très conservatrices (fondation de Ronald Reagan), NED se veut pluraliste.

Nombre de militants des causes humanitaires en ex-URSS se félicitent de ces aides américaines alors qu’ils sont en butte aux refus de soutien ou discriminations de leurs propres autorités. D’autres ne veulent pas qu’on en parle, vu l’exploitation que font les pouvoirs de ces soutiens extérieurs (sauf en Géorgie, où le régime Saakachvili a été mis en place par Soros et autres fondations US, ou en Ukraine, où la direction « orangiste » (2004-2010) a bénéficié des mêmes soutiens).

La fondation NED est d’une parfaite TRANSPARENCE. On ne peut donc parler de « complot ». Certes, il y a d’autres fondations (comme USAID, Ford, Rockefeller, Heritage etc…) et des financements directs des autorités américaines dont on est beaucoup moins informé.

Faut-il crier au « complot » ou au « scandale » ? Aucunement.

On peut seulement reprocher à maints bénéficiaires et médias de ne jamais souffler mot sur ces aides, par exemple lorsque des journalistes interrogent ou citent des «experts » ou des ONG sans signaler leurs liens financiers.
Mais cette remarque vaut pour des tas d’autres domaines de la vie publique chez nous : les réseaux financiers et autres des « connivences ».

Qui paie qui pour faire quoi ? On le sait rarement. On se contente d’écouter les discours que l’on croit de sincères « idéologues » ou d’ « experts indépendants ». Tel économiste russe ultralibéral et pinochetiste, par exemple, était cité dans « Le Monde » comme « expert indépendant ».

Du point de vue officiel américain, on peut se féliciter de cette action des Etats-Unis à travers le monde, pour promouvoir leurs intérêts et leur influence, soutenir la Démocratie, les Droits de l’Homme, la liberté de la presse. En liaison avec de grandes organisations internationales mobilisées pour les mêmes objectifs. Et ce n’est que logique.

Seuls de « mauvais esprits » soutiendront que c’est de la manipulation, car ces fondations sont des « paravents de la CIA » ou en tout cas des agences d’influence. Les militants des bonnes causes qu’elles financent, soit jouent le jeu en connaissance de cause (et en dissimulation), soit ne sont pas au courant que c’est à Washington qu’on fixe l’agenda et les objectifs de leurs « mouvements ».
On n’imagine pas NED soutenir des mouvements réellement autonomes contre le capitalisme…ou contre la domination impériale des Etats-Unis et contre leurs guerres (au contraire). On ne les verrait pas aider des « gauches » réelles, des communistes, des syndicats orientés vers la contestation du capitalisme ou l’autogestion sociale.
Mais cela ne déconsidère en rien NED : pourquoi les fondations US soutiendraient-elles des action contraires aux intérêts des Etats-Unis ?  Soit. Mais il est arrivé aussi que la CIA soutienne des mouvements (ex : moudjahiddines afghans dont Bin Laden) qui par la suite ont quelque peu désservi les intérêts américains.


All-Russia Public Movement “Za Prava Cheloveka” (ZPC)
To improve the treatment of prisoners incarcerated in Russia’s system of prisons and penal colonies. ZPC will investigate violations of prisoners’ rights, bring legal measures and public pressure to decrease the occurrence of such violations, and hold public tribunals to review particularly egregious cases. In addition, ZPC will monitor cases of torture and murder by Russia’s law enforcement agencies, especially in the North Caucasus.
American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To support trade union training activities and legal advocacy, thereby strengthening freedom of association. The Solidarity Center will support union education activities at the regional level and provide training on basic unionism, collective bargaining, health and safety and labor legislation. It will assist Russian unions in strengthening their connections with unions outside of Russia and use its expertise to promote networking among workers.
Association of Public Entities “Union of Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia”
To continue to defend the legal rights of Russian servicemen. The organization will provide legal aid and education to the victims of hazing and cruel treatment in military units. It will also monitor and publish recommendations on the jurisdictional conflicts between the Military and Civilian Prosecutors that arise during hazing investigations.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Center for Social and Labor Rights”
To maintain, expand and promote its interactive internet portal, HYPERLINK "", which promotes knowledge of labor rights and issues, and provides workers with the necessary skills to defend these rights. The website will serve as an independent and objective source of information to help workers make informed decisions and improve their working conditions.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Memorial Center for the History of Political Repression ‘Perm-36’”
To provide support for its museum dedicated to political repression in the Soviet Union. In addition to museum upkeep, Endowment funds will used to conduct a series of seminars for teachers from neighboring regions and prepare electronic versions of historical and methodological materials.
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Agency for Social Information”
To build regional NGO coalitions and to strengthen ties between regional and issue-based associations, coalitions, and networks of civil society organizations in three selected regions in Russia. In order to support local NGOs and coalitions, three small grants will be awarded for projects to strengthen networks and organize activities intended to increase public trust in NGOs.
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Agency for Social Information” (ASI)
To collect and disseminate information on the activities of the Russian NGO community. ASI will maintain its network of affiliate offices located in 24 regional centers, which will provide reports that will be aggregated by the Moscow office, posted on the ASI website, and distributed via an email listserv. The ASI website serves as a primary vehicle for information exchange for the Russian NGO community.
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Center for Social Projecting ‘VOZROZHDENIYE’”
To assist young political leaders on the municipal level in Pskov region. Vozrozhdenie will help to form a network of new political leaders, dubbed “political generation 2010-15,” who will become more responsive to their constituencies. The project activities will focus on the Pskov oblast municipal elections on October 11, 2009.
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Mashr”
To counter the lack of official accountability and lack of respect for human rights in Ingushetia. Mashr will publicize incidents of kidnapping and forced disappearance, provide legal assistance to victims and their family members, encourage officials to investigate such events thoroughly, and use international judicial mechanisms to resolve such cases when necessary.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To develop understanding about democracy and the market economy and build entrepreneurship and leadership skills among young people in the North Caucasus. CIPE and its local partner VIM will design and carry out a certificate program on youth entrepreneurship and leadership for university age students. CIPE and VIM will also support the graduates by establishing an alumni network and providing access to local business leaders and officials.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To strengthen existing proposals and formulate new approaches to eliminating corruption. CIPE will create a working group of Russian and US academics, policy specialists, and former officials to analyze issues of corruption in Russia and prepare recommendations to strengthen institutions of integrity in Russia’s private and public sectors. The working group will present its recommendations to the media, public and government at a final conference.
Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
To monitor and research instances of violence or pressure against journalists. In particular, the Center’s staff will conduct investigations into murders, kidnappings, and other extreme forms of violence against journalists in order to determine if they are connected to journalists’ professional activities.
Center for Peacebuilding and Community Development
To conduct six lectures at Chechen universities on topics essential to democratic development. This will include: the relationship between state, society and the individual; rule of law; models of development; historic experiences with authoritarianism; and democracy and freedom of expression.
Centre de la Protection Internationale
To provide advanced training on international judicial procedures to human rights lawyers from Russia and other CIS countries. The Centre will train highly qualified specialists in Russia and other NIS countries on how to prepare and submit acceptable cases to the European Court.
Charitable Foundation “Support of Civil Society Initiatives ‘Fulcrum Foundation’”
To continue its small awards program for youth NGOs. The organization will award approximately seven small awards of about $5,000 to support projects conducted by civic organizations working in Russia’s regions. The organization will also continue to monitor and support the activities of organizations that received awards this year.
Charity Foundation “International Project - Youth Human Rights Movement”
To strengthen the Movement’s network of youth human rights organizations. In addition to networking and training activities, the project will include a mini-awards competition and small grants program, which will provide capacity-building and project support to regional groups that have little access to financial resources; lack management and PR skills; and are inexperienced in running public campaigns.
Chelyabinsk Regional Public Fund “Helping Hand”
To continue its program of legal assistance and human rights education and training in several cities in the southern Ural Mountains. Helping Hand’s “Human Rights Ambulance” will offer free legal aid, including working with inmates in the region’s prison system and their families. Helping Hand’s Human Rights School will provide courses on human rights, democracy, and civic activism.
Civil Rights Defenders
To hold a conference on human rights in the North Caucasus in November of 2009. The conference will take place in Stock-holm during the Swedish chairmanship of the European Union and its goal will be to draw international attention to human rights abuses in the North Caucasus.
DEMAS - Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights
To establish crossborder partnerships between Czech and Russian NGOs. Representatives of seven members of DEMAS, a Czech NGO umbrella association, will travel to Russia to establish contacts with Russian civil society organizations. In turn, 11 representatives of Russian NGOs will be invited to the Czech Republic to become more familiar with civil society there. The program is designed to identify issues and develop programs for future cooperation and partnership.
The Foundation for the Support of Information Freedom Initiatives
To monitor government information resources and related practices, disseminate news and resources on the HYPERLINK "" web site, and support litigation to secure greater public access to government information.
Foundation “Independent Press Center”
To operate its Press Center, which has working contacts with more than 80 leading NGOs that use the Center’s premises to organize press conferences, briefings, seminars and roundtables. These events provide Russian and foreign journalists with access to a wide variety of speakers on key political, economic and social issues.
Foundation - Public Commission for the Preservation of Academician Sakharov’s Heritage”
To organize its seventh annual “Interregional Contest of Teachers on the History of Political Repression in the USSR.” This event provides history teachers in schools across Russia with an opportunity to create an original lesson plan and supplementary materials on topics such as Stalinism, political repression, the gulag system, human rights and the dissident movement.
Friends of the CEELI Institute
To develop a strategy for greater advocacy on the subject of criminal prosecutions for war crimes committed during the conflict in Chechnya. The Institute will hold a workshop on international criminal law and international humanitarian law which will bring together Russian researchers, lawyers and human rights activists, and prominent western experts. The workshop will focus on a review of the existing research that has been conducted thus far and conduct strategic planning for the next stage of the project.
Institute of Public Affairs
To conduct a crossborder fellowship program for young Russian think tank analysts and NGO activists. The Warsaw-based IPA, one of Poland’s leading think tanks, will collaborate with the St. Petersburg Center for Humanities and Political Studies “Strategia” (Strategy) to select young Russian fellows who will receive training, participate in a 12-day training and study visit to Poland, and produce and publish a policy paper.
Interregional Association of Human Rights Organizations “AGORA”
To provide legal and informational assistance to Russian activists and organizations that come under pressure from the authorities as a result of their work. AGORA will leverage its experience providing human rights groups with legal and informational support to continue its assistance to persecuted activists and organizations.
Interregional Non-Governmental Organization “Center for Information and Protection of Human Rights”
To support its operations including: maintaining exhibits on human rights; operating a library on the history of political repression; and providing a video center and an internet classroom for students and teachers studying human rights. It will also operate a public legal aid office, help teachers and NGO activists to develop teaching materials for young people, and offer management and financial training to NGO leaders.
Interregional Public Organization “Center for the Development of Social Partnership”
To continue its program of increasing citizen participation in local government in Yaroslavl region. In addition, the Center will evaluate the state of the civil society and suggest ways to make the work of NGOs more effective in cooperation with the local government and the Yaroslavl oblast Public Chamber.
Interregional Public Organization “Committee Against Torture”
To reduce the incidence of torture in Chechnya. The Committee will monitor and publicize cases of torture at the hands of law enforcement officials, and will offer legal aid to the victims.
Kabardino-Balkar Republic Public Human Rights Center
To continue its program of human rights activism in the predominantly Muslim republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in the North Caucasus. The Center will render free legal aid; monitor the activity of the courts and encourage judicial, legal and other reforms that promote human rights and democracy; research Stalin-era crimes in Kabardino-Balkaria; and hold a series of roundtables and conferences to deepen local understanding of these issues.
Levada Center
To conduct two public opinion surveys, one prior to and one following the elections to the Moscow city Duma on October 11, 2009. The Levada Center will distribute information from its public opinion surveys to major national and international news agencies, and will publish an analytical report on the elections at the conclusion of the project.
To monitor how the state-controlled media manipulates public opinion in Russia. In conjunction with the Moscow-based Centre for Journalism in Extreme Situations (CJES), a NED grantee, the Slovakia-based MEMO will create a monitoring team in Russia, conduct a week-long training in Bratislava, and supervise a four-month long media monitoring program. The results of the monitoring will be disseminated at four press conferences and on the internet.
The Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights
To carry out a human rights monitoring and legal assistance program in Dagestan. Mothers of Dagestan staff will travel to the regions to collect information about instances of human rights violations throughout Dagestan. The organization will keep weekly office hours in its Makhachkala office to provide the citizens with free legal advice and defend the citizens’ interests in courts.
Murmansk Association of Women Journalists
To continue its efforts to develop independent journalism and increase the transparency of local government in northwest Russia. This year’s program will focus on the new federal law on the freedom of information, which was passed on February 9, 2009 and will go into effect on January 1, 2010.
Noncommerical Organization Fund “Kostromsky Center for the Support of Civic Initiatives” Project
To strengthen civil society in Kostroma and the Kostroma region by providing informational and practical support for local NGOs. The Center will carry out training seminars for NGO leaders, conduct joint press-conferences with regional NGOs, publish and distribute a newspaper, and will support a website with information for and about NGOs.
Non-Profit Organization “Information Agency ‘’”
To operate its Caucasus Switchboard website (HYPERLINK "", which provides news and analysis of events in the Caucasus, as well as information on the activities of civil society groups. Over the next two years, plans to continue improving the quality of the website’s journalism, and expand its outreach to an international audience with more frequent updates of the English-language version of the website.
Non-Profit Partnership “Lawyers for a Civil Society” (LSC)
To collect and publicize a collection of federal and regional laws that regulate the work of NGOs. LSC will also create a report to analyze the state of Russia’s civil society that will help identify the regions of Russia that either completely lack or have few laws that regulate the work of civil society organizations.
Nonviolence International
To help local officials in the North Caucasus to implement Federal Law #131, Russia’s law on local government. This law provides a significant degree of autonomy to rural and municipal governments in areas such as provision of social services, regulation of housing and utilities, and local economic development.
Perm City Public Organization “Center for Civic Education and Human Rights”
To introduce human rights and civic education classes into Russia’s schools and universities. As in the past, the program will involve training teachers and university professors, developing human rights and civic education curricula, and publishing teaching materials. The Center will update its database of social studies teachers in Perm region, and will expand its alumni network to communicate better with graduates of the program.
Prague Watchdog
To promote human rights, humanitarian assistance and freedom of information in the North Caucasus. NED funding will be used to continue operating the Prague Watchdog website, a leading source of information on the political, military, economic and humanitarian situation in Chechnya, Ingushetia and other North Caucasus republics.
Pskov Regional Public Organization “Council of Soldiers’ Mothers”
To conduct human rights training and consultations for approximately 1,000 draftees, draft-age youth, servicemen, and their families in Pskov region.
Public Regional Organization “Kolskaya Association of Women Lawyers”
To defend victims of torture and degrading treatment in the Murmansk region, and to educate activists and officials to prevent and defend against such conduct. The organization will operate a crisis center for victims of torture and degrading treatment, submit legal appeals on their behalf, train human rights activists, and conduct seminars on human rights for civil society activists and government representatives in Murmansk oblast.
Regional Civic Initiative - The Right to Life and Human Dignity
To publish a quarterly journal Dosh (Word) that monitors human rights and provides commentaries about political and social life in the North Caucasus. Dosh has been published since 2003 and it is one of the most popular independent printed journals in Chechnya and Ingushetia.
Regional Civic Institute Research and Information Center Memorial
To collect and disseminate information on the activities of NGOs, as well as other important events for civil society in St. Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District of Russia. St. Petersburg Memorial will create an informational and analytical website dedicated to human rights, ecology, and the preservation of unbiased information about the history of totalitarianism and repression in Russia.
Regional Civic Institute Research and Information Center Memorial
To begin the process of digitizing its vast historic archives to prevent further loss and make this vital historic information available to the general public. The project is expected to last three years, and Memorial plans to supplement or replace NED funding for the duration of the project.
Regional Civic Organization in Defense of Democratic Rights and Initiatives (GOLOS)
To increase citizens’ participation in the decision-making process by educating them and providing them with the necessary tools to advocate for their interests and protect their rights on a local level. GOLOS will conduct public hearings, signature collection campaigns, hold conferences and distribute brochures with the purpose of encouraging and publicizing issue based citizen activism in Russia’s regions.
Regional Non-Government Human Rights Organization “Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg”
To conduct its Human Rights School, as well as other workshops, for thousands of draft-age youth and conscripts. The organization will also continue to maintain a database on draftees and servicemen in order to track cases of human rights abuse at military bases across Russia.
Regional Non-Governmental Organization “International Protection Center”
To offer free legal representation and consultation to the victims of human rights violations in Russia. The Center will help individuals who have exhausted all available remedies under the Russian court system to pursue their cases through the European Court of Human Rights or the United Nations’ Committee on Human Rights.
Regional Public Organization “Information Research Center ‘PANORAMA’”
To support two teams of two young leaders from various pro-democratic organizations to undertake six months of part-time journalism work. Trainees will be chosen from youth branches of democratic political parties and civil movements such as Oborona, Young Yabloko, Young SPS, Young Republicans, I Think, Da!, Young United Civil Front, and the Social-Democratic Youth Union, as well as young journalists from independent newspapers.
Regional Public Movement “Chechen Committee for National Salvation” (CCNS)
To provide legal assistance to refugee populations in the cities of Nazran, Ingushetia, and Grozny, Chechnya. CCNS will also monitor human rights abuses.
Regional Public Organization for Assistance in Securing Public Information “Center for Public Information”
To continue to expand its network of regional partners who gather and disseminate information about human rights developments. The organization maintains regular contact with NGOs, the media and the Russian Human Rights Ombudsman’s office, which provide updates on human rights violations, the activities of human rights activists, and events and activities organized by other NGOs and public organizations.
Regional Public Organization “Independent Council of Legal Expertise”
To carry out a variety of activities related to the Russian legal system and the development of legislation through nongovernmental efforts. Political conditions in Russia have generally become less conducive to this type of program in recent years, as the legislative branch is now dependent on the executive, and input from NGOs is frequently not welcome in the legislative process.
Regional Public Organization for Promotion of Citizens’ Education “Information and Analysis Center ‘SOVA’”
To monitor, analyze, and disseminate information intended to oppose nationalism and xenophobia in Russia, as well as prevent the restriction of civil liberties in the name of anti-extremism.
Regional Public Organization “Mothers of Chechnya”
To offer legal aid and advice to the families of citizens who were kidnapped or disappeared during and after the two wars in Chechnya. Mothers of Chechnya will help relatives to continue searching for their missing relatives and press criminal charges or file civil suits in court. It will also continue to maintain and expand its database on cases of disappearance in Chechnya.
Regional Public Organization “St. Petersburg League of Women Voters”
To hold a series of seminars and round tables for young civic activists from six regions: Arkhangelsk, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, Pskov, Tver and St. Petersburg. The purpose of these seminars and roundtables will be to educate and train representatives of unregistered NGOs and civic initiatives in organizational capacity building.
Rostov City Non-Profit Organization “Eko-logika”
To help citizens engage the local bureaucracy to increase transparency and accountability. Eko-Logika will organize training seminars to teach participants how to request information from local government sources and continue operating its resource center, which provides the necessary office equipment and consultative support needed to submit such requests.
Rostov Regional Public Organization “League for Civil Rights Protection”
To encourage transparency and accountability in municipal budgeting processes. The project will involve education, evaluation, analytical, and information components.
Slovene Philanthropy
To expand a civic activism program for primary and secondary school children in Chechnya and Ingushetia. The Ljubljana-based “Slovene Philanthropy” will conduct one advanced and two basic training workshops for student mentors. The mentors will train up to 700 pupils in volunteerism and oversee their public service at local schools, hospitals, NGOs or in local communities. Copies of an informational leaflet and a Russian-language manual on Voluntary Work in Schools will distributed.
Slovene Philanthropy
To continue a civic education and activism program for primary and secondary school students in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The Ljubljana-based NGO will train 60 teacher-mentors who will train and oversee up to 900 volunteers in 30 schools. It will also distribute 3,000 copies of an information leaflet about the program and hold a one-day regional conference that will bring together 100 teachers, NGO activists, youth activists and Ministry of Education employees.
St. Petersburg Public Organization “Environmental Human Rights Center ‘Bellona’”
To increase access to information about Russian human rights and environmental issues, and to encourage networking among NGOs. Bellona will maintain its website, HYPERLINK "", a valuable source of independent information for the NGO community, media and general public. During this year’s project, Bellona will also publish four print and electronic editions of its journal, Ekologia i Pravo (Ecology and the Law).
Sverdlovsk Oblast Public Organization “Parity”
To educate young people about their rights and responsibilities as voters and increase political participation among young people in Sverdlovsk oblast. A major new component of the program will include providing local NGOs with information and practical skills about submitting cases of voter rights violations to the European Court of Human Rights. Parity will also publish two brochures on voter rights and conduct two seminars.
Transitions Online (TOL)
To expand the distance learning component of a crossborder program that fosters independent journalism in Russia. In cooperation with the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, the Prague-based TOL will create four self-directed learning modules based on the News University curriculum to enhance its distance-learning program for Russian journalists. It will also organize two study and training visits to the Czech Republic for 48 Russian journalists.
Vladimir Oblast Intellectual Public Movement “Lebed”
To operate its website, Vibor33 (HYPERLINK "" The web site presents political news from Vladimir in a simple but frequently-updated format, containing both factual news and analytical columns.
Zagranica Group
To foster and increase cooperation between Russian and Polish civil society organizations. The Poland-based Group will organize a Polish-Russian Non-Governmental Forum that will bring 100 NGOs from Russia and Poland together in Warsaw. At the two-day meeting, organizations will participate in a number of workshops designed to identify issues and develop programs for future cooperation and partnership.
* Indicates Department of State funding beyond NED's annual appropriation
The grant listings posted here are from the HYPERLINK ""2009 Annual Report, published in June 2010.

All Ukrainian Association of the Civic Organization “Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union” (UHHRU)
To publish the 2008 edition of its annual report on human rights in Ukraine. The report will be published in Ukrainian and English for distribution to government agencies; the domestic and international media; political parties; universities; domestic and international human rights NGOs; and international organizations such as the OSCE, Council of Europe and UN Committee on Human Rights.
All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Civic Network OPORA”
To increase citizens’ involvement in the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election. Opora will conduct a nonpartisan online campaign to mobilize Ukraine’s voters by explaining the principles of citizen involvement in the electoral process.
All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Women’s Choice”*
To conduct a series of twelve one-day seminars for women deputies from local and regional legislatures from western and eastern Ukraine. Participants will be chosen through the Women’s Choice network, consisting of local leaders of Women’s Choice and other NGOs, deputies of local legislatures, and other prominent figures.
All-Ukrainian Youth Civic Organization “Young Rukh”
To conduct a year-long program of anti-corruption activities in Ukrainian universities. Young Rukh will monitor corruption at universities throughout Ukraine and carry out a nationwide information campaign against corruption in higher education.
American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To support and strengthen the independent trade union movement in Ukraine so it can participate in the development of civil society and democracy. The Solidarity Center will support the implementation of a public campaign to increase awareness of the independent trade union movement and attract new members. In addition, the Solidarity Center will support activities designed to strengthen the role of women in trade union leadership, improve the capacity of local union leaders, and promote internationally recognized labor rights.
Association Spilnyi Prostir
To foster greater media awareness in six regions of Ukraine - Rivne, Chernivtsi, Cherkasy, Sumy, Donetsk, Kherson - by organizing discussion groups in public libraries. The train-the-trainer format of these groups will eventually involve many thousands of Ukrainians. Spilnyi Prostir will also monitor media coverage of the 2010 presidential candidates, focusing on how candidates’ positions on key issue are covered in the Ukrainian media.
Bukovynian Center for American Studies
To hold a course on the system of trial by jury. The Center’s course will impart both technical knowledge and a set of skills and attitudes desirable for the next generation of Ukraine’s leadership.
Center for Independent Political Research
To carry out four research projects on various aspects of democratic development, monitor the national legislature, propose amendments to legislation to bring it into line with democratic principles, develop a system for monitoring emerging political threats, and disseminate information to raise public and official awareness of key issues in the consolidation of Ukraine’s democracy.
Center for Independent Political Research
To print nine issues of an analytical bulletin, Tviy Vybir-2010 (Your Vote-2010) to inform voters, analysts and citizens about the policy positions of candidates in the 2010 presidential election. Each issue will contain an analysis of party platforms, focusing on one set of related issues.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To improve the advocacy skills of business and civil society organizations, enabling them to more effectively advance reforms and maintain civic involvement in the policy-making process. This project aims to build the capacity of business associations, enhance the role of business as a voice for reform, and encourage the private sector to monitor the government’s fulfillment of its obligations.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To improve corporate governance standards among and applicable to Ukrainian SMEs and to increase dialogue in Ukraine on corporate governance and reduced regulatory burdens on SMEs. CIPE and the Corporate Governance Center at the International Institute of Business will provide Ukrainian entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills both to adapt to changing legal conditions, as well as to shape the regulatory environment for SMEs.
Center for Research on Social Perspectives in the Donbas
To cover political developments in the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, and increase the availability of objective and timely information about the impact of Kyiv politics on the regions.
Center for Support of Civic and Cultural Initiatives “Tamarisk”
To conduct a training and education program aimed at helping to professionalize the local NGO sector. The project will involve a series of training seminars on topics such as informational technology, organizational development, fundraising and public relations. Tamarisk will also publish a brochure highlighting “success stories” of local NGOs, organize a press club, and publicize the project’s results.
Center for the Study of Social Processes and Humanitarian Issues
To support a four-person team of journalists covering regional news in the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk and surrounding region. This project will be carried out in cooperation with an organization called “Our Town,” which will support a similar team in Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine and with the Center for Research on Social Perspectives in the Donbas in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk.
Chernihiv Educational Center “Initiative”
To increase the accountability of local authorities to citizens’ needs and increase the flow of information between the electorate and local officials. Armada will conduct public-opinion surveys, monitor the proceedings of the regional administration, sponsor debates on local issues, and broadcast the findings of its monitoring activities on local radio and television stations.
Chernivtsi Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU)
To promote government accountability at the local level. Chernivtsi CVU will monitor the legislatures of Chernivtsi city, Chernivtsi region, and Vyzhnytsia, Storozhynets, Kitsman, and Khotyn cities.
Civil Society Organization “Initiative”
To develop a network of legal aid and mediation groups to inform citizens about their property rights, provide a means for mediating disputes, and teach citizens how to gain access the Ukrainian legal system to better defend their constitutionally protected rights. The project will focus on rural communities that have been adversely affected by usurious lending practices and unscrupulous realtors.
Coalition of Cherkassy Youth Non-Governmental Organizations “Moloda Cherkaschyna”
To encourage cooperation between youth NGOs in former Soviet countries, specifically Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia. The Coalition will organize a one-week forum for international NGOs and a mini-grants competition for selected international organizations to carry out cross-border projects in participating countries.
Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF)
To stimulate informed debate and dialogue among civil society, government and the general public on issues relating to Ukraine’s transition to democracy. DIF will help ensure that Ukraine’s leaders are informed about public opinion, while at the same time informing the public about important policy debates.
Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF)
To conduct a nationwide exit poll during the upcoming 2010 presidential elections and conduct public opinion surveys before and after the elections. DIF will distribute information from its public opinion surveys and the exit poll to the media at a series of roundtables and press conferences, and will publish a report on the election at the conclusion of the project.
Dniprovsky Center for Social Research
To work with journalists, editors, media experts, and government officials to assess the state of freedom of information and reporting in Dnipropetrovsk region. The Center will conduct a survey of local media experts, organize a study group on information freedom, hold a series of roundtable discussions on pressing local issues, and work with NGO “Advokat” to provide free legal assistance to journalists in Dnipropetrovsk oblast.
East European Democratic Center (EEDC)
To assist local non-state newspapers in eastern and southern Ukraine. Through its School of Journalism and Newspaper Management, the Poland-based EEDC will organize three training seminars for 48 newspaper editors and award six grants totaling $25,000 to participating newspapers. Finally, EEDC helped to convene a Belarus International Implementers’ Meeting in Prague in March 2009.
East European Democratic Center (EEDC)
To support nascent civil society in southern Ukraine. The Poland-based EEDC will provide a series of three trainings to approximately 100 local NGOs in five southern oblasts and will assist them in implementing projects through a small grants competition. Approximately five to seven grants totaling $5,000 will be awarded to NGOs in Crimea, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa and Vinnytsia.

Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives “Total Action for the Support of Human 
Rights and Democracy” Project
To facilitate citizens’ access to information, stimulate civic activity, and promote government accountability in Luhansk, a major city in eastern Ukraine. Total Action will provide training to local activists to carry out advocacy campaigns and will hold a series of roundtables, public hearings and seminars to promote access to the Luhansk City Council, encourage local government accountability and support civic participation.
Europe XXI Foundation
To examine the state of democracy in three Ukrainian regions, one each in eastern, central and western Ukraine. This project will build off of Europe XXI’s previous project, which developed criteria for assessing the state of democracy in post-totalitarian countries.
Free Choice of Luhanshchyna
To make deputies of the Luhansk region legislative assembly more responsive to their constituents. The project will involve: educating citizens about the electoral programs of the various parties and blocs in the legislative assembly; comparing these programs with representatives’ actual voting patterns; analyzing deputies’ responsiveness to local residents; surveying citizens’ views across the oblast; and publicizing the project’s findings through a media campaign.
Freedom House - Ukraine
To produce the 2009 edition of its annual report on human rights in Ukraine; distribute information on human rights in Ukraine to the public; train NGO activists in human rights monitoring and defense techniques; and produce a series of policy recommendations on the topic for the Ukrainian government.
Independent Center of Political Researchers and Journalists
To analyze threats to Crimea’s stability stemming from Russia’s continued military presence in Simferopol and from ethnic cleavages that have recently been exacerbated by the 2008 Russo-Georgian war.
Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
To hold four seminars which will examine Ukraine’s prospects for future integration into the European Union and NATO. The seminars will be held in Donetsk, Lviv, Chernihiv, and Odesa regions, with a final press conference in Kyiv.
International Charitable Organization “Center for Ukrainian Reform Education”
To combat the recent deterioration of journalistic standards in Ukraine and the associated decline of public interest in political participation, the Center will use Endowment support to employ its nationwide network of press clubs as the base for a nonpartisan grassroots voter education program for the 2010 presidential elections.
International Cooperation Support Foundation of Ukraine
To train 50 emerging political media and business leaders from major NGOs, local governments, political parties, media outlets, businesses and cultural organizations. The program itself will consist of on-line learning and exchanges through the Foundation’s web site. Working with the Atlantic Council, the Foundation will arrange for US and European experts to visit Ukraine to participate in multi-day seminars with the young leaders.
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (KHRP)
To produce a series of publications on human rights in Ukrainian and English, and to create a virtual human rights library on its website. KHPG will also continue to monitor draft legislation in the national and regional legislative assemblies for potential human rights violations, provide recommendations to lawmakers, and assess the activities of the Ombudsman’s Office.
Kherson City Association of Journalists “South”
To encourage public dialogue about human rights in Ukraine. The organization will use Endowment support to organize a traveling festival of human rights documentary films,, that will be shown throughout Ukraine.
Kremenchuk City Committee of Youth Organizations
To foster the growth of youth organizations in rural areas of Poltava and Cherkassy oblasts. The regions that have been selected for the project are ones in which youth groups are either few or entirely absent, and where civil society is weak, in part due to the distance of these regions from the oblast capitols.
Luhansk Regional Public Organization “European Choice” Business Club*
To conduct a youth leadership program that will focus on students and faculty members at Professional-Technical Schools located in juvenile correctional facilities in the cities of Luhansk, Alchevsk, Krasniy Luch, Stakhaniv, and Sverdlovsk in Luhansk region.
Odesa Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU)
To develop methods for monitoring local government bodies - particularly, regional legislatures and city councils - in the aftermath of the introduction of a pure party list system for all elections at all levels of Ukrainian government. Odesa CVU’s staff and volunteer experts will monitor the legislatures of the cities of Odesa, Kostovsk, Rozdilna, Bilgorod-Dnistovsky, Izmail and Reni, as well as the Odesa region legislature.
Open Society Foundation - Ukraine
To monitor and publicize the activities of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada. The Foundation will produce three publications and an electronic bulletin detailing the work of Rada deputies from each party. It will also conduct a series of 10 roundtables to increase the accountability of elected officials to their constituents, and will continue to modernize and update its website.
Poliskii Fund of International and Regional Research
To conduct a training and publication program, which will provide residents of the targeted regions with political analysis that will clearly formulate policy alternatives to help them understand and become more engaged in politics, and to encourage young people to become more involved in the process of democratizing their home regions.
Public Organization “Donetsk Press Club” (DPC)
To continue a series of press clubs for journalists in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine. The press clubs will cover a diverse range of topics including political reform, EU integration, and economic development. In addition, DPC will hold a series of trainings for NGO representatives, members of the Donetsk banking community, lawmakers, and government employees, focusing on increasing cooperation with the regional mass media.
Public Organization “Our Town”
To continue its regional reporting and press monitoring programs. Our Town will organize a weekly club for independent journalists and regional experts in western Ukraine; monitor reporting by the regional mass media; and track reporting on issues such as separatism, anti-Semitism, and constitutional reform in the national mass media.
Regional Information Center for Women (RICW)
To expand its activities by opening an additional five centers in its Civic Education Network (CEN), so that each county government town will have a center. From among the staff of the 25 local centers that will make up its expanded network, RICW will select participants for training through a series of four seminars.
School for Policy Analysis of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
To increase public knowledge of and involvement in the process of constitutional reform. This project will build on last year’s Endowment-supported project, in which the School developed a series of proposals for constitutional reform, distributed them to politicians and officials, and publicized their research in the mass media.
Smoloskyp, Inc.
To strengthen networks among promising young Ukrainian activists and scholars, expose young people to democratic values and principles, and engage the next generation of Ukrainian activists in the country’s development. The organization will conduct a series of seminars and round tables, publish its monthly bulletin and a journal, continue to expand its website, and operate its Samvydav (Samizdat) Archive and Museum.
Ukrainian Catholic University
To cover issues of church-state relations, freedom of conscience, and religious conflicts between Ukraine’s various faith communities.
Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research Named After Oleksandr Razumkov
To publish three issues of National Security and Defense, one of the most widely read policy journals in Ukraine. Each issue of the journal, published with a print run of 3,000 copies in Ukrainian and 800 copies in English, provides a thorough examination of an issue of particular importance to Ukrainian democracy.
Ukrainian Youth Association of Ukraine (UYA)
To conduct NGO outreach and information sharing programs in the Ichnyanskiy and Domanivskiy regions of Chernihiv oblast, and the Novomoskovskiy region of Dnipropetrovsk oblast. UYA will conduct NGO training and partnership development seminars in these regions to help promote cooperation between civil society organizations, business, and government.
Vinnitsa Regional Committee of Youth Organizations
To improve the public perception of NGOs in Vinnitsya and Khmelnytska regions through public and media relations campaigns. The organization will hold a master class and two seminars for NGO leaders, conduct quarterly on-site monitoring with members of its Partnership Network, hold its annual summer camp for NGO leaders, and provide small grants to eight regional NGOs.
Vinnitsa Youth NGO “Nashe Podillya”
To support and strengthen developing civil society organizations and informal social movements in 11 Ukrainian regions. Nashe Podillya will hold a series of seminars on NGO management for the staff of new organizations, and will conduct a short internship program to allow leaders of nascent NGOs to gain experience by working with larger organizations.
Youth Alternative
To support its parliamentary internship program. Youth Alternative will select 30 students from leading Kyiv universities to serve eight-month fellowships in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s national legislature. One hundred twenty students from universities in 18 regional cities will serve four-month internships in local radas. Interns will participate in a variety of training, academic and research activities during their internships.
* Indicates Department of State funding beyond NED's annual appropriation
The grant listings posted here are from the HYPERLINK ""2009 Annual Report, published in June 2010.


International Labor Solidarity
To improve the capacity of Georgian trade unions to engage in social partnership with the government. The Solidarity Center will support legislative action and training to promote the defense of trade union rights. It will also assist Georgian unions in building outreach capacity to both existing members and unorganized workers. In addition, the Solidarity Center will support activities designed to increase integration and coordination among Georgian trade unions.
Association Open Society - New Kutaisi
To train civil society activists in Kutaisi and other municipalities of the Imereti region of Georgia in monitoring the budgetary process. Using procedures established under past programs, the Association will advocate for improvements in the way local governments apportion resources among the population, focusing on women and children. The program will include trainings and seminars, publications, a half-hour television program, and a website.
Association “Studio Re”
To produce 20 television shows that will be broadcast on Maestro Television in Tbilisi and 21 regional television stations throughout Georgia. The programs will provide an important forum for balanced and informed public debate of the most pressing issues in Georgian politics. Topics will include constitutional reform, electoral law reform, territorial disputes with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, media independence, and penitentiary reform.
Civic Development Institute
To foster cooperation among human rights and media NGOs in the country. The Institute will form and train a network of human rights NGOs, comprised of organizations from nine regions, which will cooperate with an existing network of media outlets to create a new internet news portal. The website will permit journalists and activists to report to a wider audience.
Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi”
To promote women’s leadership in politics, particularly women displaced by the war in Abkhazia. Sukhumi will conduct a nonpartisan advocacy campaign to persuade local parties to advance women candidates and persuade women to participate in the 2010 local elections. The organization will conduct monthly meetings of “Women Voters” clubs in four towns, train election observers, and conduct an advocacy campaign about women’s political participation.
Former Political Prisoners for Human Rights (FPPHR)
To conduct human rights monitoring and coordinate activities of the NGO coalition “Civil Society for Democratic Georgia.” FPPHR will prepare a report about human rights in Georgia, conduct human rights monitoring, and provide legal assistance in three offices. The offices will also monitor trials, and hold a series of roundtable discussions.
Foundation Internews Georgia
To support the website, a comprehensive resource for Georgian media. Internews will develop a new platform, which will permit the greater functionality of the portal. Among the new services will be a weekly profile of a media outlet, online surveys, reports from the regions, and a news feed feature with links to full stories on other websites.
Georgia for North Atlantic Treaty Organization
To inform the public about the military, political, and economic prerequisitesfor NATO membership. Georgia for NATO will hold five roundtables in the country’s regions focusing on a particular issue such as the independence of the judiciary or international human rights standards. In addition, the organization will produce a weekly radio talk show about these issues, which will be widely broadcast on Radio Ucnobi.
Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA)
To pursue cases of strategic litigation, file friend-of-the-court briefs with the Supreme Court of Georgia, and provide legal expertise to parliament. GYLA will litigate cases with implications for improving government legislation in the Georgian Constitutional Court and the European Court for Human Rights. It will also provide legal briefs to the parliament and the Court to improve the professionalism of these bodies.
Human Rights Center
To improve human rights practices in Georgia. The Center will monitor and report on human rights, provide free legal aid, and support the activities of two regional human rights centers. It will conduct human rights advocacy and submit reports to UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and other international organizations. Finally, the organization will produce four short documentary films about human rights.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To better enable local officials and government bodies to be more responsive to their electorates. In times of crisis, citizens need clear, reliable information and confidence that their government is working for them. IRI will provide communications and organizational training and public opinion research to local government officials and also work with local political party representatives.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To provide organizational assistance to the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED), a local NGO working to promote citizen participation in political and election processes. NDI also will assist ISFED and other targeted civil society organizations in fostering dialogue between citizens and elected officials.
Newspaper Batumelebi
To publish a weekly newspaper which serves the population of the Republic of Adjara, an autonomous republic in Georgia. The program will establish an honoraria fund which will be used to improve the variety and quality of articles submitted to the newspaper. Some of the articles will be posted on the newspaper’s website,
NGO Abkhazia Info
To support for a radio talk show “Dialogues” which broadcasts on a Tbilisi radio station, Ucnobi. The show will be broadcast for 45 minutes every weekday at 5pm and will include a discussion among guests and callers on the issues of the day. Guests will include representatives of political parties, the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, NGOs, public movements, and other public figures.
Partnership for Social Initiatives
To conduct an assessment of the impact of the August 2008 war on the course of reform in Georgia. The Partnership will conduct research, produce five analytical papers, and organize five debates and five roundtable discussions. The organization will also organize four training seminars and host a radio talk show.
Union Article 42 of the Constitution
To bring about judicial review of legislation that violates constitutional norms and to improve public awareness of this procedure. The organization will identify laws that violate the constitution, identify possible cases for litigation, and bring those cases to the Constitutional Court. It will also conduct analyses of how proposed amendments impact human rights, hold two trainings for journalists, and organize four roundtables.
The grant listings posted here are from the HYPERLINK "" 2009 Annual Report, published in June 2010.

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