joi, 27 august 2015

Scrisoarea Parlamentului European Evreiesc către președintele României

Vă rog să citiți acest text selectat de mine, în speranța că vă poate interesa. Reproducem fără modificări acest text, extras de pe situl Precizăm că nu considerăm legea aceasta ca fiind «antilegionară» ci  anticonstituțională și liberticidă, reprezentând interesele unei minorități (nu e vorba de o etnie anume) active ostile și defel interesele tuturor cetățenilor României. Cu prietenie, Dan Culcer

Scrisoarea Parlamentului European Evreiesc către președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis și către președintele Camerei Deputaților, domnul Valeriu Zgonea in legatura cu Legea Antilegionara

"Fiind conștienți de protestele vehemente și dezbaterile din jurul adoptarea Legii 217/2015, suntem convinși că aplicarea promptă, fermă și consecventă a acestei legi va ajuta România în atingerea obiectivelor sale internaționale."

Scrisoarea Parlamentului European Evreiesc către președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis și către președintele Camerei Deputaților, domnul Valeriu Zgonea.

Traducerea scrisorii

Ne-a fost adusă în atenția noastră de către domnul Maximillian Marco Katz, director al Centrului pentru Monitorizarea si Combaterea antisemitismului și membru al Parlamentului European Evreiesc (EJP), reprezentând România, că Legea 217 a fost adoptată de Parlamentul român și semnată de către dvs. pe 27 iulie 2015.
După ce am aflat despre procesul lung și complicat care a început în 2002, când OUG 32 a fost adoptată, EJP, în numele membrilor săi din peste 50 de țări, își exprimă sprijinul pentru acest pas înregistrat de România în vederea combaterii încercărilor de a revigora memoria Entitățile locale politice naționale, extremiste, cum ar fi "Miscarea Legionara" și mareșalul Ion Antonescu, aliații activi ai regimului nazist în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial și vinovate de comiterea de crime împotriva cetățenilor români, evrei și non-evrei.
Fiind conștienți de protestele vehemente și dezbaterile din jurul adoptarii Legii 217/2015, suntem convinși că aplicarea promptă, fermă și consecventă a acestei legi va ajuta România în atingerea obiectivelor sale internaționale.
Prin adoptarea Legii 217/2015 România a aderat la grupul de țări care se angajează să asigure faptul că dreptul la libertatea de exprimare nu este abuzat și exploatat pentru a promova ura rasială, religioasă și etnică și discriminare de orice fel.
În 2016 România va prezida Alianța Internațională a Holocaustului. În acest context, adoptarea Legii 217 transmite mesajul adecvat pentru toate țările membre ale IHRA.
Incheiem scrisoarea noastră prin exprimarea aprecierii noastre pentru sprijinul acordat în realizarea legii precum și în faptul ca ați făcut posibilă adoptarea Legii 217/2015.
Cu respect a dvs.,

Textul original

It has been brought to our attention by Mr. Maximillian Marco Katz, director of the Center for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism and member of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) representing Romania, that Law 217 was adopted by the Romanian Parliament and signed by you on 27th July 2015.
Having learned about the long and complicated process which started in 2002 when the OUG 32 was issued, the EJP, in the name of its members from over 50 countries, expresses its support for this step made by Romania to combat attempts to revive the memory of local political national-extremist entities such as the “Miscarea Legionara” and Marshal Ion Antonescu, active allies of the Nazi regime during WWII and guilty of committing crimes against Romanian citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish.
Being aware of the vehement protests and debates surrounding the adoption of Law 217/2015, we are convinced that the prompt, firm and consistent application of this law will assist Romania in achieving its international objectives.
By adopting Law 217/2015 Romania has joined the group of countries committed to ensuring that the right to freedom of expression is not abused and exploited to promote racial, religious and ethnic hatred and discrimination of any kind.
In 2016 Romania will chair the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. In this context the adoption of Law 217 transmits the appropriate message to all member countries of the IHRA.
We conclude our letter by expressing our appreciation for your support in making the adoption of Law 217/2015 possible.
Respectfully Yours,

Ce este si cand a fost inaugurat Parlamentul European Evreiesc

23. 02. 2012 - European Jewish Parliament inaugurated in Brussels

BRUSSELS (EJP) – The inaugural meeting of the 120 elected members of the first ever European Jewish Parliament (EJP), described as a new and innovative forum to voice the thoughts, beliefs and ideas as well as concerns of European Jews, took place on Thursday at the European Parliament building in Brussels.
The Parliament members, who represent 47 countries, have been elected by over 400,000 people from East, Central and Western Europe who voted online and showed an unprecedented interest and demand across the continent for a new, fresh, up-to-date, transparent and democratically elected organization in Europe, says the European Jewish Union (EJU), the organization which initiated the creation of this parliament.
Among the elected MEJPs are several well-known leading figures of European Jewry such as Pierre Besnainou from France, Cefi Jozef Camhi from Turkey, Nathan Gelbart from Germany, Oliver Mischon from the UK, Joel Rubinfeld from Belgium, as well as an important number of young emerging personalities and leaders.
In her opening address to the inaugural meeting on behalf of the European Parliament, Bulgarian MEP Antonyia Parvanova hailed this "historic meeting" and said it "will mark the future of the Jews in Europe and beyond”.
“I am proud and honored to be in front of all of you today. For the first time, we have here gathered in this room the representatives of organizations representing more than 3.5 millions Jewish citizens across our continent,” she said.
She continued: “For the first time in history, the European Jewish people is coming today as one man or I should say as one assembly standing for one cause."
She stressed that the new established European Jewish Parliament will be "the voice representing and empowering the Jewish community in Europe."
"Debates and discussions are always a driving force in family and there can be sometime differences of opinion. But I am confident that the European Jewish Parliament will be a strong voice which will contribute positively to the European development." She ended her speech with a traditional Jewish blessing. “I light the candle, symbol of peace. I light the candle of this assembly and of the first session of the European Jewish Parliament” and with the Hebrew words “Mazal Tov” (Good Luck).
Tomer Orni, CEO of the European Jewish Union (EJU), the organization which initiated the founding of the new parliament, declared: "The vision of a European Jewish Parliament is now a reality. This is an historic event as the new parliament is a major milestone for Jewish representation in Europe. We are deeply convinced that the parliament will be a positive force in meeting the changing conditions and big challenges the European Jewry is facing."
The members of the parliament are individuals with various backgrounds who are respected in various Jewish communities. Their common denominator is their Jewish identity and passion for furthering Jewish interests on an international scale.
"The fact that the European Jewish Parliament gathers in the same building as the European Parliament, the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU), is "more than symbolic," said Joel Rubinfeld from Belgium, a former president of the umbrella group of Belgian Jewish organizations, who was chosen to co-chair the new parliament together with Vadim Rabinovich, EJU Vice-President.
They will lead the works towards the Parliament's first General Assembly scheduled for April.
Rubinfeld stressed that the challenges “which concern nothing less than the future and the place of more than 3 million European Jews in their respective countries are huge.”
He mentioned anti-Semitism, the delegitimization of Israel but also the promotion of Jewish values and opening to other communities among these challenges.
“But after today’s meeting, I am confident that we can meet these challenges,” he said. The idea of a European Jewish Parliament was first advanced by Israeli President Shimon Peres who predicted the success of this new structure.
The Parliament is headquartered in Brussels where the annual General Assemblies will be held.
A Parliament Constitution will be prepared during the first year.
The inauguration of the European Jewish Parliament coincided with the visit to Brussels of a delegation of 40 leading members of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations led by Chairman Richard Stone and Executive Vice Chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein.
The delegation held talks with EU, NATO and Belgian officials, and discussed issues such as anti-Semitism in Europe, Iran and Syria. European and American Jewish community leaders joined the members of the European Jewish Parliament to celebrate together the launch of the new body at a gala dinner Thursday night in the presence of German MEP Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The list of the members of the European Jewish Parliament was published on the EJU website
23. 02. 2012


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